Multiple Instance Choquet Integral with Binary Fuzzy Measures for Remote Sensing Classifier Fusion with Imprecise Labels

Abstract Classifier fusion methods integrate complementary information from multiple classifiers or detectors and can aid remote sensing applications such as target detection and hyperspectral image analysis. The Choquet integral (CI), parameterized by fuzzy measures (FMs), has been widely used in the literature as an effective non-linear fusion framework. Standard supervised CI fusion algorithms often require …

Multiple Instance Choquet Integral For MultiResolution Sensor Fusion

Abstract Imagine you are traveling to Columbia,MO for the first time. On your flight to Columbia, the woman sitting next to you recommended a bakery by a large park with a big yellow umbrella outside. After you land, you need directions to the hotel from the airport. Suppose you are driving a rental car, you …

Environmentally-Adaptive Target Recognition for SAS Imagery

Abstract Characteristics of underwater targets displayed in synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) imagery vary depending on their environmental context. Discriminative features in sea grass may differ from the features that are discriminative in sand ripple, for example. Environmentally-adaptive target detection and classification systems that take into account environmental context, therefore, have the potential for improved results. …